Monday, July 29, 2024

Garden Flowers

 Dwarf Snapdragon Flowers

These are the tiniest snapdragon flowers I have ever seen.
They capture everyone's attention when they visit our garden.
We are use to very frigid winters with negative temperatures.
This year we had a very late start to our Spring;
 it was not safe to plant flowers until we were well into June.
Now we are in July and we reached 111 degrees!
I am working hard to keep the flowers well hydrated.
With such a pretty bloom it makes the hard work worth it.
Here is hoping August will truly be the month that our flowers 
show their best blooms.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 The weather is now very hot...90's to 100 degrees.
The air quality is unhealthy due to the fires burning in surrounding states.
What better time to stay indoors and work on a puzzle.

First I would like to thank Angela McRae from
Quite some time ago she had a give-away and I won.

After having our grand-girls with us for a few days I needed some quiet time.
I took the next two days and put this puzzle together.

It was just what I needed.  It had been some time since I put a puzzle together.
This one was challenging but fun.
I loved all the bright and pretty colors.
And with a Tea Time was even better.