Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 The weather is now very hot...90's to 100 degrees.
The air quality is unhealthy due to the fires burning in surrounding states.
What better time to stay indoors and work on a puzzle.

First I would like to thank Angela McRae from
Quite some time ago she had a give-away and I won.

After having our grand-girls with us for a few days I needed some quiet time.
I took the next two days and put this puzzle together.

It was just what I needed.  It had been some time since I put a puzzle together.
This one was challenging but fun.
I loved all the bright and pretty colors.
And with a Tea Time was even better.


  1. Congrats on winning Angela's giveaway! Her prizes are always tealightful!

    Your puzzle would look great framed!

    1. Thank you. I think the puzzle would look good framed too; but I will be sharing this puzzle with my aunt first. She thought the puzzle was beautiful and she has spent a part of her life in Japan. She almost always has her puzzles framed after putting them together. So maybe I will see it framed before too long.

  2. The puzzle is perfect for you. I love the colors. I am sure you enjoyed putting this one together.

    1. Other than putting together children's puzzles with my grand's, I haven't worked on a puzzle in years. It was fun and the colors were festive.

  3. I've got a puzzle started from last year, it will be coming out and hopefully a fresh start will find more pieces to fit & finish. Those are the best recipes, the handed down homemade ones. I imagine that those are heavenly noodles with turkey. My family liked them very much, and I will continue to make them, as I love working with dough, and they are delicious. Thank you for visiting me & leaving a comment. Those are lovely quilts on the fence, what a pretty backyard.
