Monday, July 29, 2024

Garden Flowers

 Dwarf Snapdragon Flowers

These are the tiniest snapdragon flowers I have ever seen.
They capture everyone's attention when they visit our garden.
We are use to very frigid winters with negative temperatures.
This year we had a very late start to our Spring;
 it was not safe to plant flowers until we were well into June.
Now we are in July and we reached 111 degrees!
I am working hard to keep the flowers well hydrated.
With such a pretty bloom it makes the hard work worth it.
Here is hoping August will truly be the month that our flowers 
show their best blooms.


  1. Such sweet dainty little flowers. They are so pretty. We have a few days where it may be 100 degrees. Just a bit too hot for me.

    1. We don't plant a lot of flowers; except for one's I plant in pots. This year I tried a few new flowers. Some grew, some did not. Such a different weather pattern for us lately. I am happy to be away from the frigid cold; but now it's too hot. Hope your garden has done well for you this summer.

  2. Snapdragons are among my favorite flowers but, sadly, I do not have any among my flowers this year. We are in an intense heat wave now, so I am watering my plants every day. I hope you have a great August.

    1. I usually always have some snapdragons. They do well here. This year I tried different flowering plants. I think next year I will go back to the tried and true ones. Today should be our last hot day and the temperatures should cool down. We may even have some much needed rain tomorrow. Your flower gardens are always so pretty. I hope the hummers have been visiting with you.

  3. So pretty. I have the same one. Here it is called Nemesia.

    1. I looked up Nemesia and yes, they are exactly that. Thank you for sharing the name with me.

  4. These are adorable! I haven't seen them either. Great find!

    1. I will look for dwarf snapdragons again next Spring. They grow compact but give such joy. Thank you for your visits!

  5. I love Snapdragons, remember when you were young you would make their "jaws" move? I never saw dwarf ones, I'm going to set my seeds aside for next year out of my seed box, so I don't forget to plant them.

    1. My mother filled her garden with snapdragons. And yes, we would pull the flower and put our fingers in there and play with them. This is the first time I saw the dwarf ones myself. They were at our local nursery. As Elizabeth from above comments said they are nemesia. Look it up and you see the exact same flower. I would buy this one again. Every year here is so different that I never know what to plant and where to plant. On our side yard we have a short chain link fence. Two baby deer were over there eating away on the neighbors garden. We know our fence is only a short deterrent to keeping them out. Deer and cute but can be so destructive.
