Monday, August 5, 2024

Humble Garden


We have yard sale furniture.

We use recycled materials.

I did purchase some flowers to plant in my garden; and seeds were planted.

This giant pot of zinnia's came from four packets of seeds.

The large wood flower box came from my husbands work.
It was a large crate that carried equipment.  They are asked to dismantle and throw away.
My husband took the wood from the top and made the border that goes all around.
He used 2 X 4's so that my flower pots could be dropped down inside.
If you notice the black spools?  They are a hard rubber and also come from his work place.
Instead of putting all this in the landfill we are using it for our patio and garden.
We have so much trouble with rabbits and squirrels
 that lifting flower pots up high discourage them from trying to eat all I plant.
Most important it is easier to garden standing up!  ;0)

I would like to make a special note too that my daughter-in-law
made the two cushions on my swing.
She bought the foam and we bought the cloth and then she
created this wonderful set of cushions.  Our swing is many years old.
It has a fresh new look and gives us many hours of enjoyment.


  1. I love your humble garden space. So pretty and so welcoming.

    1. ;0) Thank you! It's just enough to give me some happy moments; but not too much to make it feel like a never ending chore.

  2. What a beautiful place to sit and ponder, or perhaps, do a little stitching. You two are so clever! Your flowers are so colorful and healthy looking. I think everything in North Dakota outdoes itself with the long hours of sunlight. I love the wooden quilted pieces on your least I think that's what they are. Right?

    1. Didn't the barn quilts on the fence add a lot of color to our yard? I love them. This summer has been different then others. Sadly, not a good year for gardening.

  3. Your garden is lovely! I also use tubs I drop down in my elevated garden beds. It works great!

    1. It was as if it were meant to be with the four tubs fitting almost perfectly in the size of the pre-made planter.
