Friday, September 6, 2024


 Never give up on "hope".  It can surprise you.
I have had an African Violet for years that would not bloom.
This morning was the day I saw a flower!

This brings me such joy.

I found a teacup that matches the color of the bloom.

Hold on to all your hopes and dreams.
Be patient and one day you may just get surprised.
Sometimes it is the littlest of things that can bring us happiness.


  1. I’ve always enjoyed African Violets. I haven’t had one in years because I have a cat who likes to eat my plants!

    1. Hi Debby, we have no pets so no worries for me. But I'm happy to hear you keep your pets safe. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. How true your words are and how wonderful that your African Violet bloomed for you! So pretty!

  3. I have never had luck with African Violets and how wonderful that yours bloomed! Love your inspiring post!

    1. African Violets can be very temperamental. I try different locations in our home, and when you get a bloom you leave them in their happy place. I have read many different instructions on how to grow healthy violets.

  4. Never give up . . . you violet is lovely and I'm glad it brought you joy.
    Thank you for following my blog :)

  5. Your African Violet finally bloomed!!! I have such a problem getting mine to rebloom. I generally buy them in bloom and they do fine for a while then start looking ratty. At that point I pass them.
    I like the cross stitch you did on the tea towel ( last post). Cross stitch is just about the only needlework I've ever done.

  6. What a special and wonderful post, and a gentle reminder to never give up on hope. I love your tea cup. It goes perfectly with your African Violet. So glad it bloomed for you. What a surprise that must have been.

    Have a pleasant week.


  7. I have always been fond of African Violets, they are simple & lovely. I find that they prefer the drier side to bloom, and always water from the bottom. I have 3 plants.

    1. I alway water from the bottom too. I try to keep it in the same place with at least 8 hours of light. Away from close too the window because of our winters. I use an ott-light day-light source. I just love it when they bloom.
