Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 Our town had quite a rainfall last evening.  It was pouring.
Lasted a good long while too.

From our sons house, 8 miles away.
Two and a half inches of rain.
You can see one of their many pumpkins growing; see the orange?

Our backyard water gauge.
Right at One and a half inches.

With ours being on the fence and theirs being much more out in the open.
No matter, it was a lot of much needed rain.
My daughter-in-law says her garden is very happy.

This is from just one day of picking from their garden.
She often sends me pictures.

I have been given a quart of sweet pickle chips.
Her family mostly eats dill pickles; but she went and made me my own jar.
(The top of the jar says peaches...she was recycling her lids.)

I also have some sweet tomatoes to eat like candy.
They are so delicious.  

My daughter-in-law was born and raised a farm girl.
Gardening is just a way of life to her.

They have chickens too!
These are the newest to the coop.
They will lay dark brown and green eggs.
They have to stay in their own space until they are larger
and then will be added to the chicken coop with the rest of the chickens.

I get all the eggs we want.
I really notice the difference between store bought and fresh eggs.

This is their chicken coop my son built.

My husband helped my son run electricity to the coop.
Now the light comes on at sunset and the chickens know
 it's time to go in and roost.
My son just recently built and added on the cupola
and weathervane.

I so enjoy getting to see the garden and chickens.
Seems like a lot of work to me but they love it.
And my granddaughters are growing up just the same as their mommy did.
I think that is a very good thing.


  1. Rain is always a blessing! We also had some rain on Saturday through the evening. Our rainy season doesn’t officially start till October so it’s always a treat after a long hot and dry summer.
    The chickens are so nice to have and your son did a great job on that coop. I’ve always liked the look of a cupola. Your photos are nice. 👍🏻

    1. Thank you Debby for stopping by. Rain, wind and cooler temperatures are in our forecast. It will soon be time to wear a bit warmer clothing. Time to get all those outdoor chores finished.

  2. Rain? not a drop around here. Looking forward to some rain & changing of the seasons. We got to Amish country for the lamps & oils. Often time you can find a nice lamp at an antique store. We've purchased the lamp oil at place where Amish shop. You can also look at Lehmans, they sell both. What a darling chicken coupe.

    1. I would so love to have an Amish Country to visit. ND is probably the only state that the Amish are not in. We had another quarter inch of rain on Tuesday night. The weather is cooling and getting ready for the Autumn change of season.

  3. I sent the first message annonymous. About the lamps & oil. They are lovely arn't they? I've not ever seen colored oil, shop till you are blue in the face in any city....Amish is where you will find what you are looking for.

    1. I ordered some red Ultra-Pure Paraffin Lamp Oil. It is sootless, smokeless and odorless. I wanted blue color; but when I did find it the price was quite a bit more. So with Christmas around the corner I ordered some red. I also have some Clear Lamp Oil. I have some oil lamps. One I had blue color in before and really liked it. I will give red a try. My DIL says you can buy drops that color the oil too. I have never tried that before. I looked at Lehmans and the price was good but there was a shipping cost. I looked on eBay and found it for one dollar less and no shipping. It arrived this afternoon in the mail. I will pour some in the lamp maybe next week and see how I like it.

  4. I just found your wonderful blog and enjoyed it very much. Glad you had rain. We had some yesterday and were so glad because it was getting very dry.

    1. Hello Brenda. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. Welcome. Hope you will stop by and visit with me again.

  5. I'm so glad that you found something. I prefer no shipping too if I can get away with it. I live in Ohio about an hour drive or so from Lehmans, we don't make it a routine stop, but every once in a while we'll go for a ride, they are pricey either way direct shop or online. I prefer to look at the antique places, and where the actual Amish shop as opposed to tourist traps. Looking forward to seeing your beautiful lamps.

    1. I envy you that you live near Amish Country and can experience their gardens and shops. I plan on giving my lamps a good wash and then fill with the oil. I will share something next week.
