Monday, September 23, 2024

Oil Lamps Refresh

 Here are two of my oil lamps that I cleaned,
and filled with Ultra Pure Lamp Oil.
The lamp on the right came from my in-laws home;
she gave it to us when her son and I got married.
The bottom section of glass is gold.  I put clear lamp oil in to fill.
The taller lamp is one that my husband and I purchased.
The bottom section is clear glass.  I filled it with red lamp oil.

Red is one of my favorite will often find items of red in our home.

The picture is also from my mother-in-law.  She always had a picture like this
hung in their home.  Unfortunately she once had a fire and lost everything.
People gifted her items and she got two of these pictures
and sent one home with us.
This is the top of our coffee / tea cabinet.  You can see bits of red.

With winter coming soon and chances of power outages;
it's good to have some lamps ready to give light.
I have more lamps that I will be washing and prepping as well.
I will be checking flashlights and refreshing batteries;
as well as checking my candle supplies and make sure they are ready
"if we need them".

This morning was spent hand washing all these items, even the doilies.
With it soon becoming the busy time of Holiday Seasons
 it is time to clean and refresh the house.  Taking it slowly
and enjoying the "refresh" along the way.


  1. Those are pretty oil lamps, I've never seen one with colored base as the gold one, so pretty. Getting these things in the ready is never out of season. I'll be making more beeswax candles I hope this week. The wax doesn't do me any good sitting in my storage box. I hear you Prairie Rose, same at our home. My mom did not want us in the kitchen. She did not bake bread. She was a good cook though. I did not learn from her. I learned over time, and because I wanted to learn how and do it from scratch. It is never to late to learn anything. The Amish White bread recipe is one loaf. There are alot of places to learn about proofing yeast and getting started, you can do i

    1. I like the look of oil lamps. I guess it's the feeling of how they use to do it. I am very thankful for the electricity we have today though. About the bread - my husband always tells me " I won't learn any younger". LOL. I do need to take the time to at least give it a good try. I think it is something that is good to know anyway. My DIL uses sourdough for most of her bread baking. I have never really watched her. Like you said it takes time for the dough to rise and such. Good for you to go after something and teach yourself.

  2. The lamps are absolutely beautiful and hold special significance because they are not just decorative but also serve a purpose. I should take them out my lamps give them a good clean, and make sure they are in good condition. I don't quite feel the arrival of Fall yet, so I haven't started preparing for the winter. Luckily, we don't experience harsh winters here - occasionally there might be a severe storm, but for the most part, our winters are mild and uneventful. Nevertheless, it's always wise to be ready.

    1. Hi Debby. Thank you for stopping by. I enjoy your visits. I have been enjoying reading your posts on your day trips out of town. The homes you have been showing are beautiful. It would be just the kind of day I would enjoy.

  3. I have one of these old kerosine lamps that my mom gave me. You are so smart to get these things done ahead of time. We never know when the need will arise. Your red is beautiful and with the Holidays approaching, the color red is perfect for any decor. Of course...I love red all year long. Hope your first week of Fall is full of goodness.

    1. To be honest I was looking for a blue color oil. Red seemed to be the easiest choice and most cost effective. But then my thoughts were the same as yours. With Christmas in our near future "red" will be the better choice. We can have harsh winters here. It's good to be prepared. Thank you for your visit.

  4. It's so smart to get the oil lamps ready for the cold season ahead. We have a really bright lantern that was given to me by my in-laws. Your red oil lamp is neat. And I love that painting above your tea cabinet. You have old treasures around your home, and I think that's why I enjoy visiting your blog so much. The pioneer era was actually my favorite time period. I do hope you don't get any power outages this Winter, but you are ready if you do.

    Wishing you pleasant October days ahead.


    1. Thank you...I do love older more cherished pieces to have in my home.

  5. Your oil lamps are very pretty. I didn't know they came with coloured bases or that the oil came in colours too. I have an old oil lamp that is just clear glass. I've actually never used it.

    1. I have been buying colored oil's for over 20 years. They make it fun for matching home decor or changing out for the season's.
